La IQ Digital Summit de la Brașov am avut ocazia să stau 15 minute cu Matthew Griffin, la o discuție despre cum se vede viitorul, întâlnire facilitată de prietenii de la BCR.
Acum las mai jos a doua parte a discuției.
înainte de toate, vă las o statistică de pe telefonul meu, realizată de cei de la DuckDuckGoGo, printr-un feature pe care l-am descoperit la Tudor. Am râs multă vreme de propovăduirea cenzurii și de cât de puțin importantă este, de fapt, urmărirea noastră, prin intermediul tehnologiei, dar acum încep să trec de partea lui Galoș, că devine îngrijorător spre terifiant.
Revenind la discuția cu Matthew.
How much info will be able to keep for ourselves in the next 10 years?
So, and there’s a reason for this, so there are kind of two kinds of privacy: online privacy and offline privacy.
Now we all know collectively that when we go online, everything is monitored and tracked. And when I say everything is monitored and tracked. For example, Facebook can tell my emotions from how I hold the phone, the speed that I scroll, that, the language that I use.
Yeah, the number of times I pick my phone up. Because when you’re depressed, you use your phone differently. So all the sensors in here are feeding information back, even if you’re not actually doing anything on Facebook. The speed that I scrolled at, the things that I look at. So when we’re talking about online privacy, we already have a huge number of ways basically to figure out whether you are depressed.
What do you want? Happy who you are with?
Because what’s your phone is set to is your phone is next to my phone, so it knows that basically we’re up to something.
So Facebook for example has over 5000 data points on individuals and say what you say combined together and that’s generally from online data.
However, from an offline perspective on wearing a smartwatch.
So now Apple basically knows that we are together, basically knows I might be getting excited because my pulse is starting to increase. It knows my cortisol levels, certain knows whether I’m getting stressed at this particular point in time, and if I’m getting stressed, it can start pushing me music or something like that.
Now, in addition to that, you know, we often think basically the only way for organizations to actually gauge our emotions is by CCTV. Now we can use vocal biomarkers. So just by you talking in the presence of my phone, I can tell whether you have COVID. I can tell you whether you are happy they’re going to have a heart attack.
I can tell all kinds of things from a telehealth perspective about your health without you ever giving me any consent. If you get anywhere near CCTV camera, I can tell by suffering from how you’re walking. If you’re in pain, I can tell what’s your blood pressure and your heart rate, your emotions. I can tell whether you have any inherited genetic conditions. And you have. Had to interact with me at all. However, maybe you have no idea.
That I have. The I’ve got this information. However, now let’s get rid of the CCTV because you’re now walking around here. They’re going there’s no CCTV cameras. There’s no way that any organization can know what I’m actually up to because I crushed my phone. MIT, using artificial intelligence, managed to turn Wi-Fi routers, so standard Wi-Fi routers, into sonar devices. Now what that means is Wi-Fi in any particular place. Can now act like Sunday, but it does it at such a small kind of frequency wave that I can tell with a 90 plus percent accuracy from Wi-Fi whether you are smiling. Like how you’re sitting, your posture, your heart. So, so when we start talking about this concept of, we are used to all of our online. Activity being monitored and it’s not just what we type, who we interact with, it’s the information sensors in here that are tracking, you know. Tracking my mood because holding it like that as opposed to like that, when I’m happy. Yeah. But we have offline. There was a whole host of ways, but I can tell everything about you, even down to the point I said when you walk through airports now we have something called touchless biometrics. So from over 100 meters away I can read your fingerprints, your iris, leadline, your face, which is a standard thing that’s facing that. So from 100 meters away I can get your fingerprints. And I can identify to you, you know, we even if even if you wanted to walk down the street covered in a duvet so that we didn’t know it’s you.
We now have artificial intelligence technologies, thermostats, you even if you are wearing hoodies or whatever. You know, that kind of stuff. Because I can tell from your walk. All kinds of different things. So in the future.
There is no thing you can do unless the regulators figure it out, which they aren’t the future.
Unless the regulators figure it out, the only thing that you don’t have is privacy. Anyway.
So we are living in black mirror. Is not just a movie.
You combine that with the Social credit score and say for example, China now says, right, you’ve gotta push an artificial intelligence firmware to all this, all the Wi-Fi routers basically in Shanghai, and now all of a sudden people don’t know that their moods and emotions are being monitored. And they’re going to 1984. And then, but then on top of that, because all because it artificial intelligence is increasingly good at getting the background noise and I can figure out from my voice that I’m a bit depressed but I’ve got PTSD, I’ve got the onset of Alzheimer’s or whatever maybe send you, but it can also hear all the sounds over there. So it might know basically that the washing machine is on and that I always put the washing machine on at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. And if I’m doing that, then why doesn’t Amazon send a little alert at 1:00 o’clock saying you’re going to be doing the washing it? 2:00 o’clock you know, why didn’t you do it at 3:00 o’clock and we’ll give you a discount of your energy. So it’s not we’re not just paying attention to you, we’re paying attention to your environment. And there are new Qualcomm, Qualcomm chips will be coming through in the next generation of phones that will listen around and as well as doing environmental sensing even down to figuring out the amount of carcinogens that are in the air around here and the likelihood that you gonna get cancer basically from saying diesel fumes. And that will decrease. Your growth. The network for your insurance, because we would go, I don’t need you to tell me that you’re living in Brazil. Based on sensors in your bone and we can see that there’s a high number of sulfur or nitride particulates in the environment. We know you’re breathing them in. We know that your blood pressure is already up here,
Therefore gonna put your premiums up. And by the way, every time we talk, we know whether or not you’re going to answer that in the next. So yeah, but The thing is with all of this information. If I now use a lot of this information I’m gathering about you to say, by the way, in three hours time you’re gonna have a heart attack, so I’ve already sent the ambulance. Do you like that kind of privacy invasion? Yes, yes, if I’m using it in a way that doesn’t benefit you. Yeah. So this is where we talk about individual privacy. You know you don’t mind Netflix pushing you content. You don’t mind if I use all of this invasive surveillance technology to save your life. But you do matter if I’m suppressing your freedoms or whatever, for sure, in which case the regulators come back into play.
Because they don’t, they say. They say if you are you. To save people’s lives, we let you use all this information and you go, OK, I’m fine. Then you’re OK with that? Yeah. So This is why we talk about when we talk about things like future privacy, where with web three we can also talk about data models. So just like we have payment wallet on a smartphone, why can’t you go into a data wallet and you just tick, I want to share this, this and this, but not this. Why do you need to do it on the standard T’s and C’s for every single service that you use?
Which then means why isn’t the regulator saying put the data wallet on your phone and you just go tick tick tick tick? And double looting and that’s. Sounds hot, yeah. And the future doesn’t. Sound that great? Yeah.
But this is where it’s down to governments and regulations, but then also the power of people basically to say we don’t mind them using information to personalize our healthcare experiences and prevent us from being ill.
So quantitative and predictive. Health listening time. We think that people need to be aware. Of yes, which is that? Which is the education? Yeah.
Because at the moment, yeah, it’s like any audience, as I ask, say, how many people like all their information being collected and 2nd pretty much everyone. No, no, no, no. But if I’m gonna use it to save your life. Do you like that? No. Yeah, yeah, like that. But if I’m going to use it to monitor you.
Suppress your freedom so you can’t go over there. You shouldn’t do this, you know, and why you’re doing that. Then I’ve caught you doing this. This will go.