Job available la Bitdefender

Articol din categoria: andreiu

Fix o lună a rezistat colegul Alin lângă mine la birou și a ales să plece din Bitdefender. Bine, pleacă nu la împins vagoane, pleacă într-un loc mișto, cel puțin din câte spune el.

Așadar, pentru că el va lăsa biroul gol pe 31 martie, hai să încercăm să-l ocupăm. După ce ne uităm:

Bitdefender is looking for an amazing Inbound Marketer to head our lead generation program for the Enterprise (B2B) team. The ideal Inbound Marketing Manager should be an analytical, socially savvy “digital native” who has experience with social media and a strong understanding of the fundamentals of content marketing. Ideally, she or he has demonstrate this by building a strong personal presence online via a personal blog or a Social Media platform.

The ideal candidate should also understand that at the end of the day inbound marketing is not just about producing and promoting flashy content, but about generating leads and revenue.


  • Deliver compelling inbound marketing campaigns and calls to action that increase inbound traffic, e-commerce revenue, and qualified leads.
  • Build and optimize landing pages.
  • Write emails and build nurturing campaigns.
  • Create an inbound marketing scorecard and baseline.
  • Manage Bitdefender’s B2B social media presence on the dedicated communities: Twitter, Linkedin, Spiceworks and other relevant social media platforms.
  • Track, measure and report weekly, monthly, and quarterly results.
  • Everything above must be done through and with the Hubspot platform.
  • Manage an Influencer/Blogger partnership program and build an active brand ambassador network to spread the word about Bitdefender’s B2B products/services.


  • MANDATORY: Social Media Marketing experience, ideally in B2B organizations.
  • MANDATORY: An established track record of developing successful working relationships with bloggers and other influencers.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Passionate about Content/Inbound Marketing
  • Strong analytic and reporting skills
  • A consistent sense of urgency and curiosity in all of your work
  • Ability to link all activities to key ROI metrics and other business objectives.
  • You must be highly motivated and self-directed. If you don’t know the answer, you are relentless about Googling it until you know the answer better than anyone else.
  • Prior experience with Google Analytics, email marketing software and social media management tools is highly desirable.
  • BIG PLUS: Experience in managing the Hubspot Inbound Marketing tool.
  • BIG PLUS: Certified as an Inbound Marketing Specialist in the Hubspot Academy (
  • Ability to produce automated programs and processes to enable lead generation programs and nurturing campaigns that drive revenue
  • Medium HTML editing skills.

If you take up our offer, you will:

  • Be a member of a young, multicultural, enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable team

  • Enjoy a competitive salary, as well as healthcare insurance

  • Work for a Romanian Company with worldwide presence and brand awareness;

  • Benefit from career development programs, including trainings and certifications specific to the industry.

  • Pool table, foosball tables, XBOX console and other small things to make you as comfortable as possible at work.

So, dacă crezi că te potrivești descrierii, trimite cu încredere un CV la si poate se leagă 🙂

9 comentarii Adaugă comentariu

  1. #1 Comentariu nou

    Buna ziua,

    Are vreo sansa unul cu aproape 10 ani de retail / logistica in spate si care vrea sa invete? Si care e si fast learner!

    • #2 Comentariu nou

      sincer, nu cred. e oarecum sensibil domeniul si necesita o experienta vasta in domeniu

    • #3 Comentariu nou

      Ok, multumesc.

  2. #4 Comentariu nou

    Bitdefender, o companie romaneasca… sub semnul lupului dacic… la care in Romania anuntul este totalmente in engleza. What the heck? Ce ziceati că… căutaţi? Un marketer specializat pe social media… vreti cumva unul sau una care sa vorbeasca romgleza baştinaşă? Publicati un anunt in ROMÂNEŞTE si poate veti avea succes. mentionati doar, intr-un rand de text, ca ati dori ca acesta sa cunosca limba engleza. Succes

    • #5 Comentariu nou

      ai inteles nimic. avand in vedere ca job-ul e in engleza, de ce ar fi anuntul in romaneste? ca sa nu mai zic de social media marketer, job-ul avand tangenta putina spre deloc cu ce ai inteles tu. Lectiile de logica se tin la clasa 9a, cum intri in scoala, a doua pe dreapta

  3. #6 Comentariu nou

    acces greu la un asa job

  4. #7 Comentariu nou

    daca ma plictisesc poate vin eu, problema este ca nu ma plictisesc foarte repede

  5. #8 Comentariu nou

    Crezi ca experienta cu site-ul pe care il administrez de 1 an si ceva m-ar califica? Din cate vad aveti nevoie de B2B iar eu lucrez B2B cu restaurantele si B2C cu cei care comanda de pe site. (Student Automatica, nicidecum ASE). Vorbitor de 3 limbi straine. Ce nu am inteles exact daca va uitati dupa cineva care a terminat o facultate in domeniu sau dupa cineva care sa aiba experienta si cam atat?

    • #9 Comentariu nou

      decizia nu o iau eu. trimite un cv

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